
Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Weekend 2015.

Mike had a ton of work to do this weekend so instead of spending the weekend alone in my apartment, I decided to hightail it home for the weekend to spend time with my mom and sister!  Thanks to my office closing a 3 p.m. on Friday, I was able to be on the road by 4:15, so I made it home in about 5 hours and hardly hit any traffic.  

Saturday felt like fall in upstate New York.  It was a beautiful sunny day, but it was chilly with a breeze.  I loved it.  I will take cold, breezy, snowy, icy weather over hot, humid weather any day of the week.  

Both of my sisters are in tremendously great physical shape.  I offered to workout with my youngest sister on Saturday, and truly thought that I would be able to do some of it with her.  But no, she blew me out of the water with her speed and strength within the first lap around the track.  Shooee.  She told me that she runs at 7 minute mile.  I couldn't even dream of doing that.  

Here is the only photo with people in it that I took during the whole weekend: 

^^ Carrie is on the right side of the photo.  This is our high school track.  I spent many nights hanging here with my friends at football games.  

My mom, sister, cousin Zach, aunt Barbie and grandparents spent most of Saturday watching NCAA men's lacrosse.  It was intense, and fun, and stressful, and exhausting...even though I wasn't exercising, hah!

While at the grocery store with my mom, cousin, and aunt, we came across a veggie labeled simply as "produce."  My cousin knew that these unusual looking veggies are called fiddleheads.  During some googling of what fiddleheads were we found that they are only available for two weeks of the year and are unfurled fern fronds.  We followed a Wegman's recipe (here) and they turned out surprisingly well!  

^^ Washed and trimmed fiddleheads.

 ^^ Cooked fiddleheads. 

Because I have a wicked sweet tooth, and because Pinterest is my weakness, I decided to make this Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramel tart.  It was very rich, but oh so delicious!  You should probably all go make it as soon as possible.    

And then I promptly fell asleep in front of the TV.  The end to a wonderful weekend at home!  El fin.


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