
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Grand Cayman Adventure: Day 6.

Both of our skin was slightly sore from lots of sun so we spent the day on the beach in the shade of palm trees reading.  Reading on the beach was what I was really looking forward to about this vacation, so I’m so happy that we’ve been able to get a lot of that in this week.  It doesn’t get much better than that, if you ask me!

We kept it low key and had leftovers for lunch and watched some TV to prepare for our adventure of the day.  Around 4:30 we headed up to Rum Point for some dinner at Kaibo before heading out on a nighttime bioluminescence kayak tour!  Kaibo is a casual beach bar/restaurant that is right on that water.  The drive down the to the restaurant was dotted with lovely homes which were fun to look at and drool over.  The upper level of Kaibo is a more formal restaurant but it is not open during the “off-season”, but I imagine that Kaibo is usually hoppin’ during the summer months when the cruises dock.  I enjoyed a shrimp caesar wrap with a side salad (lots of lettuce!) and Mike had a huge burger with great fries.  There was a group of jetskiiers who had been at the bar drinking, and they got on the skis and one couple promptly fell off the ski.  It was hilarious to watch.  We had lots and lots of time to burn before the kayak tour, so we headed to Rum Point and assumed that some of the shops would be open, but alas, they were not, so we took some pretty sunset photos on the pier and then took a short drive and sat in the car and chatted.  These sunset photos really don’t do it justice.  It was gorgeous!

^^ A view of Kaibo from the front.  The water is to my right.

^^ A couple of shameless selfies on the dock at Rum Point while killing some time before our kayak tour.

^^ The sun was setting while we were on the dock at Rum Point.  It was exquisite, and breathtaking and a thousand other things, too.  I loved watching the sunset, but boy, did it set fast and got super dark!

Finally it was kayak time!  We had a quick orientation about safety and then we got into our two-seater kayak.  Each kayak had a red light on the back, and the guide had a seining green light for us to follow.  Mike and I were very efficient kayakers, and were flying past the other people in the group.  It took about 15 minutes for us to get to Bio Bay, where the bioluminescence organisms live.  We were instructed to develop our night vision by not looking at bright lights for a few minutes before getting into the kayaks so that we would be able to better see and enjoy the organisms.  We were not allowed to take photos during the tour, but trust me when I say that it was like watching the water sparkle.  It was possible to see the organisms “sparkle” in the water when you put your hand in the water.  It appeared like there were bubble in the water, but they were really the bioluminescence moving around.  We “played the piano” and made our hands into fists and then opened them quickly.  It was a really cool experience, and it was also lightening off in the distance so that made it feel even more adventurous!  There was no thunder but I still felt like I was being rebellious.  Mike and I were exhausted when we got home so we went right to sleep.  

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