
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Grand Cayman Adventure: Day 5.

Rumor had it that the weather was supposed to be kind of yucky today—rainy, windy, not very conducive to beaching.  Good thing we had planned to take a submarine tour which is as close to scuba diving as I likely will ever get.  I was really excited!  Up to this point, Mike and I hadn’t had any dessert while on vacation, usually because we were so stuffed at the end of our meal.  So we planned to go out to breakfast to a place that got great reviews on TripAdvisor.  It is called “Bread and Chocolate” and it boasts a vegan menu.  I was really excited to give it a try…I love quirky, unique little restaurants.  We both decided to have the signature dish—french toast made with tahini (in place of the traditional eggs), fresh hazelnut and chocolate spread, bananas, strawberries and vanilla bean coconut milk ice cream to top it off.  It was perfectly delicious and decadent, and I did not want to ever finish eating it.  Major yum!  

 ^^ The signature French Toast.  Seriously incredible! 

^^ Mike was super excited about our breakfast date!

After we stuffed ourselves, we had a couple of hours to kill before our submarine tour, so we wandered down to the George Town and poked into a few shops.  Most of the shops were either very touristy and had all sorts of personalized magnets, t-shirts, and coffee mugs, or the stores were very high end and we would never have been able to afford anything in them, so we stuck to the tourist traps.  We also did some classic parking lot hopping as we discovered parking lots that were closer to our submarine launch location and were free—we ended up with a prime spot.  

The submarine tour was so cool!  I learned (or relearned some basic science I had first learned in elementary and middle school but somehow was more interested in at the ripe age of 25) so much from listening to the tour guide, and saw some pretty cool looking fish.  There was a black durgon fish that we saw that was really cool, along with a cool black and white striped fish, and tiny bright blue fish, too.  We passed a sunken submarine, a bronze mermaid statue and some really cool coral that looked like brains.  The tour was all too short, but I am so glad that we got to do it.  

^^ The submarine before we boarded.  We had to climb down a steep and narrow ladder to get into the vessel.

^^ This fish just happened to swim right by my porthole and lingered long enough for me to snap a photo. 

^^ A vessel that was intentionally sunk.  Reminded me of the beginning part of Titanic...

^^ An anchor.  I've never seen a dropped anchor before so I had to document.

We were both pretty tired from our morning wanders so we drove back to the hotel, had some leftover pizza for lunch and changed into our bathing suits for our daily dose of reading on the beach.  It was cloudy and grey, and very windy, but gosh, was it wonderful to sit on the beach, read my book (I read such a great beach read while on vacation—bliss!) and have a fun, fruity drink.  Eventually the clouds got really dark and it looked like we were in for some rain so we packed it up and headed inside.  We had a casual dinner and watched some TV, and headed to sleep early.  This vacation is just flying by too fast, which I think means we need to book another vacation for a few months from now ;).

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