
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Berries, berries and more berries.

This morning I went berry picking. Strawberry picking. Alone. With my iPod.
It was sunny. It was hot. It was wonderful.
I just love berries. If I could eat berries everyday forever, I would be the happiest.

In just 20 minutes, I picked so many berries. Check out this photo below of the berries that I picked.

There is something so beautiful and rich about physically picking your food. I mean choosing your food at the grocery store counts, I guess, but when you're out in a patch of strawberries, you have complete control over which ones you pick. I went for the plump, red berries, but I could have picked the white or green berries that are still benefiting from the nutrients in the soil, and from the sun.

I always wish that I lived on a farm, but it is hard work. Regardless of where I live, I enjoy going to the source of my food to pick it. It is comforting, empowering and as fresh as it gets. And that makes me smile.

My favorite is putting sliced berries (this week, I will feature strawberries) on my whole wheat pancakes, then drizzling them with some pure maple syrup. Can you say yum!

Well, that was my adventure for the day. Stay tuned for tomorrow.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blog Theme: Celebrate

Welcome to my blog!! I am very excited to share my thoughts about food, cooking, eating and other or not. Why did I start this blog, you may wonder. Well, here in Upstate New York, where I live currently, there are so many places to eat and shop and be one with food. Okay, so what, right? Soooo, I have noticed that typically wherever someone lives, they don't explore the food options around them, except perhaps the nearest McDonald's (My absolute least favorite food establishment, ever, in the world. I detest it.), Starbucks or grocery store that sells rotisserie chickens.

I hope that this blog forces me to go out a try all of those restaurants, farmer's markets, grocery stores, etc. that are right in my backyard. For you all, I hope that it inspires you to go to places in "your neck of the woods," (thank you, Al Roker!), try new foods, and really savor what you eat. Treat yourself to good tasting, good for you, and good for the environment food, because life is a celebration and you should celebrate each and every day!

Because I love cooking, I will be highlighting some recipes that I come across that I think you all will enjoy!
