I have an obsession with brussels sprouts. I discovered this last year, and boy am I trying to make up for lost time. As a child, I think I was served these baby cabbages once or twice. And I'm pretty sure I scoffed at the idea of even letting them onto my dinner plate. Recently, I've decided that I am going to try every vegetable again, and I'm going to try really hard to like every single one of them (beets might make that a very difficult challenge!). So after seeing this post on that cute little blog, I decided to give them another go. And I am so happy I did! The key for me is lots of garlic (duh!) and a good bit of onion. So, I give you my favorite brussels sprouts recipe. Enjoy.
Megan's Brussels Sprouts
1 pound brussels sprouts (washed, top layer removed, cut and quartered)
3 or 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 medium onion, chopped (I find that yellow onions work best)
1/4 extra virgin olive oil (maybe a little more)
sea salt and pepper
In large skillet, saute onion in olive oil. After the onion appears to be browning, add garlic and cook for about a minute. Add cleaned brussels sprouts and cook until they become a deeper green. Add salt and pepper, cook a few minutes longer. Serve warm.
**Note: I find that I love the sprouts when the leaves are separated with a wooden spoon while cooking. They get super tender this way.
**Note: I love this dish served with cooked quinoa. It is a super healthy, complete meal.
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